December 28, 2015

One Little Word 2016 : Simplify

"When the mathematician would solve a difficult problem, he first frees the equation of all encumbrances, and reduces it to its simplest terms. So simplify the problem of life, distinguish the necessary and the real. Probe the earth to see where your main roots run. ”
― Henry David Thoreau

January 25, 2015

2014 Soul-Searching and Reflections

2014 Soul-Searching and Reflections

It seems I'm getting around to writing on this blog about 1x a year now.  It's a personal blog and I did share a lot of personal stuff on it.  No one really read it, I know that because of the stats that Google keeps, but I dunno - I guess I kinda got bored too.  I think I annoyed myself with all the babbling I was doing and not really any action taking.

But, I think I'd like to go ahead and write a post this January 2015 to recap my year and what I'm hopeful for in 2015, plus share my word.
Here are my other words in the past:

In 2014 I chose my word for the year, Decide.  This is what I wrote about it:
For going on, uh I don't know, 15 years I've been going through a "what do I wanna be when I grow up stage" and because I never knew the answer, I would just do things at random to see if I like them and if I do, ask myself if I want to do them for a super long time.  But choices and choices and more choices later, nothing stuck like I thought it would.  One major thing, school.  The desire has always been to go to school to learn about things that are bigger than myself so that I can expand and grow and make sense of my life.  But the pressure of "getting a job to pay the bills" has always plagued me.  I'm not a sell out, but I also couldn't be honest with myself or others who were trying to decide for me.  Oh, then there's that whole needing validation & approval from others thingy.

February 13, 2014

Staying SANE when you have "crazy" Brain.


Special Edition

In my last post, I wrote about the things I believe to be true about living with ADHD.  While not necessarily categorized as one, I also believe that ADHD can be spectrum based.  Or at least leveled off.  

I also want to be clear that this is my personal journey of struggling with ADHD brain for as long as I can remember, which unfortunately isn't much.  But I've been told stories about my behaviour from my pre-k days and it seems to correlate with present day diagnosis.  33 years.  YAY ME!

Not everyone who suffers is going to find that my personal story and coping skills is a fit for them, that's fine.  AND you don't necessarily need to be ADHD to utilize these tips.  But if you find yourself unfocused and distracted, I hope these tips come in handy!

February 7, 2014

Love at first site


3 years ago I started following Marie Forleo and became hooked on her message, religiously followed her weekly web/tv series, and sadly passed on her famous B-School. Wah!

Today, I get this popup in my email from her and then one from Danielle Laporte.  So I head over to Danielle's page to see what the skinny is on her connection to Marie's B-School that's opening soon.

Of course, it's AWESOME.  All her stuff when I register through her site!

But as I'm reading commentary and testimonials, I see this chick's profile in my periphery and immediately go online to look her up.

Name, Susana Frioni
Occupation, Deep Living Coach
Blog Post that made me swoon, 2014.  Time to make some sexy art called life.

It's scrumptious.  And I love how she breaks it down.

February 6, 2014

Things I believe to be true about ADHD/ADD


Special Edition

Things I believe to be true about ADHD/ADD.

One morning, I was taking notes while reading Twyla Tharps' The Creative Habit and watching a Seth Godin video, I had a moment of clarity.  I was juggling a few things; writing in my journal, taking notes in my notebook while reading through a book, getting sidetracked and watching Seth Godin's Quieting the Lizard Brain 99u video.

This moment of clarity came to me in the form of a Declaration.

Things I believe to be true about ADHD/ADD.

Here's what I came up with: