January 30, 2014

One Little Word 2014: Decide

To get a little bit of backstory behind my One Little Word, please read this post.

In my previous post, I announced that my OLW for 2014 was Decide.

I'm so happy with this word.  And I'm hoping that this word will be the one that will be the sledgehammer that breaks down the wall of resistance.

Things are SO MUCH EASIER when we are younger.  Ok, that's not entirely true.  For me, it seemed I was able to make quick courageous decisions in an instant.  Did I want to do this or not, boom decision.  Did I want to live here or not, boom decision.

There are a lot of other forces that come into play when I make a decision now.  In fact, it's been that way for going on 5 years.  But one of the biggest decisions I haven't been able to make in my life becuase, well, everyone has an opinion about this is college.

I have something like 100 credits.  Some good some bad grades tucked in there and all of them put together make NO DEGREE.  I have spent countless hours reading and gathering information in order to make a conscientious decision about the path I should take.  And, I never follow through.

I'm sure at some point the reasoning for this came to me, but I'll be honest - I've known the reason for a very long time and just never allowed myself to stand up and DECIDE, regardless of everyone else's opinion.  It's my life and I've got to live with the consequences good and bad.

Ultimately though, it's no one else's decision but mine as well.  And I can either be happy with it or I can regret it.  And right now, I'm regretting it more.  Regret is a hard pill NOT to swallow when you are on the outside of a world you'd like to be part of.

Baby steps are in order though, small decisions that I'm struggling with need to be made.  For instance, yoga.  I have been wanting to practice Kundalini Yoga for 3 years.  I've done it exactly 2 times.  BUT, it is an AMAZING work out.  It's not a workout for those who are trying to shed pounds and I have quite a few to shed.  It's more of a mind, body, spirit workout.  The problem is, conditions have to be perfect in order for me to practice this form of yoga.

Perfect conditions do not make great brownies.  Great brownies are just made.


Interested in learning more about One Little Word?  Head over to Ali's blog and learn about it.

Want to see previous One Little Word posts?
2006 OLW
2007 OLW
2009 OLW
2012 OLW