January 29, 2014

One Little Word 2014

For the last few years, I've been participating in Ali Edwards' One Little Word project.

Last year it was Courageous.  And I was.  Many people do not know this about me, but I am a HUGE introvert.  I'm pretty shy, until you get to know me then you can't shut me up.  And while I would prefer to be at home, snuggled under a yummy warm blanket with a book and cuppa tea, I also love to be with my friends drinking wine or sharing in an activity.

But put me in a room full of people who I know nothing about, and I become a wallflower.  Again, very much the opposite of what people see me as.  People literally do a double take when I tell them that or they see that I'm super quiet at a social engagement.

In fact, over New Years' we were invited to a friends house for a NYE party.  It was a multicultural smorgasboard and I loved it, but I was also hiding in the back and not really mingling.  I only came alive in a small group of people that I found a common interest in.  But when someone else joined our little group, zip - I shut right up.

However, let me make something clear.  I'm not trying to overcome my shyness or introverted status. I'm happy with that, but I would like to continue to extend my circle of friends because I love meeting new people and learning about them because everyone has a wonderful story to tell.

At any rate, as I work through the year with my One Little Word, I always bring it with me to the next year and just make it a more micropart of me.  It takes a lot for me to be in a crowd of people, but it also takes me a lot to say things that I truly believe.  Sometimes I sway my vote toward the popular thought or theory because I am afraid that I will do or say something that will get me into trouble.  Yea, I need some serious therapy.  But Courageous has been able to do that for me last year and I've been able to walk away cleanly from people who were not a good fit for me and open up to some who are.

So on to the Pièce de résistance!

My One Little Word for 2014 is.....


See you at part two of this post where I talk about my hopes for my 2014 OLW.

Want to see previous One Little Word posts?
2006 OLW
2007 OLW
2009 OLW
2012 OLW