October 11, 2007

Goals in Life: Simple and Daring

  • Lose 150 pounds: sidebar-join WW
  • Get Graphic Design Cert
  • Photograph Professionally
  • VISIT Europe often; preferably Norway: sidebar-host walking tours
  • Renew my Wedding Vows and have my first wedding
  • Edited 10/13/07 5:39pm
  • Become a Bradley Birthing Instructor
Re-edited 10/13/07 5:40pm
A reader asked (you'll see in the comments) three questions:
1) When do you plan to start each goal?

A: Hmmm, hadn't thought about it really. I'm not really a planner so it is hard for me to plan anything. But I'm coming to the realization that I have to, I can't fight it anymore!! I guess planning would mean that I might need to order them...

2) Can you arrange these goals in order of priority?

A: This is a hard one too. I've always been a, "I want it and I want it now" (kinda like Veruca Salt) kinda girl, so when I say I am going to do something, I normally just do it or buy it or what have you. I've been able to be selfish, now I can't. I have a family and what I do affects us all, we're not just starting out - but it is a long story...

3) How will you know when you have achieved these goals?

A: When I have them. I guess, when I can see the results. For instance, I will have reached my goal of becoming a Bradley Birth Instructor because I will have gotten the certificate. I will have gotten this by means of studying and 'interning' for a year, attending a class, taking exams, and then receiving my diploma and thereabouts being noticed by the board that I am indeed able to teach as a certified instructor. But now that I think about it, I guess it might really be more of an internal issue. I mean, even if the Bradley board believe I am qualified, does that make me an instructor? Probably. But will I feel like one? IDK. Same with becoming a professional photographer. I'm not sure what I can say to put the goal to an end. Which is funny because I am a business process analyst... I have to see the end!

I have to get back to you on these, but I promise I will!


Anonymous said...

Great stuff. Thanks for sharing this.
May I ask you a couple of questions to get you started on your goals?
1) When do you plan to start each goal?
2) Can you arrange these goals in order of priority?
3) How will you know when you have achieved these goals?