Ew. I hate that. I hate being in THAT mood.
First of all I slept like crap, got up at 3am after falling asleep at 11pm the night before. I'm going to be hating life today! Now I have the joy of waking the family up in 10 minutes... oh this will be fun.
But the thing I hate the most, my negative thoughts. Currently, my negativity surrounds my uncoolness.
Things that I have that are UNCOOL:
1. Job, currently SPACE isn't cool it is old-school, Dick and Jane style
2. Car, totally not cool - it is a total mom car
3. House, inside and out NOT COOL. It looks hideous.
The only things that are cool are some of the people in my life, actually just 3 of them.
1. Hana (8yr old superstar)
2. Shanee (Cool dude I married hailing all the way from London)
3. Trish (Who just got an amazingly COOL job at Harley Davidson and bought a house, so cool.)
I'm 30 in 1.5 months. I'm going to be uncool at 30. I don't think so.
I think part of my problem has to do with the fact that I am quite subject to conformity. My SPACE job is uncool because I have to conform to rules and regulations. It isn't an atmostphere to work in because it doesn't allow room for creativity. I'm in CUBE hell there. I am expected to look, walk, and talk a certain way. And I can't get out of it because 1) My degree isn't done yet and 2) The benefits are awesome. So I must sacrifice my uncoolness for a little while longer.
And when I am not conforming to my job, I am conforming to lifestyles. I want to make my house cool, but for some reason I have it like everyone else's. I am not a conformist (in my head at least). I had GREEN HAIR! I mean COME ON!!!!
I am having serious Internal Turmoil that is creating HAVOC on my body mind and spirit.
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