April 26, 2006

I don't wanna go to work!!!

Ten Reasons Why I Don't Want To Go To Work:

1. My house is a MESS
2. My daughter has hives and I want to take care of her
3. My new office space is just begging for me to move into it
4. The kitchen needs to be cleaned
5. The bathroom needs to be cleaned
6. I have to work 2 10 hr days and one 10.5 day
7. I have a book I want to read
8. I need to buy an A string for my cello
9. I'd rather be sleeping

and my 10th reason...
Cuz I don't wanna go to work!!!

Don't get me wrong, I like where I work. And most of the time I like what I do, but when life and work get too overwhelming, I tend to want to stay home. I feel like I have more control here and can get things done and the only person I need to please is myself. Whereas at work... you know...

Well, today I am not going in until 8am anyway, not a big deal, but I have to work 10 hrs today with an hr break in the middle for a stupid Dr.s Appt. Well it isn't stupid, I need to go, but I think you understand my frustration.

Ok.. off to work..

ciao ciao