June 4, 2008

Just a little over a month

Since my last post.
I've been spending a lot of time on my photography blog and various photog websites and forums.

But it has got me thinking about why I am spending so much time. I feel like taking a break from the computer and just shoot. My disadvantage right now is my noncollection of lenses. Lenses are expensive, but I can rent them.

Anyways, I just received Ali Edward's newsletter this month and I love it. I love her attitude. She is a designer that I really enjoy because she is very down to Earth and focused. She has a cute project on her blog that I'd like to try. I have tons of photos that I am doing nothing with that I think I might do with this.

Anyway, I have to go in for an ECHO this morning. Sumzing isn't right.

My challenge this month to myself and others who read this blog, is to just do it. What does that mean? Well, I have to confess that I am a perfectionist. This means that I have to get it right the first time or I just won't do it. And if I don't think I will get it right the first time, I won't even attempt. That has been a huge hurdle for me to overcome. Infact, I am still dealing with it. It is very hard for me to make a mistake and to accept defeat and then to have to learn from them?? OMG, kill me!!

I get very uptight and prideful when my intelligence is challenged, even though most of the time it isn't. I just get defensive, even with myself. So this month, my challenge is to just do it. Drag myself through the sludge of perfectionism and high expectations that hold me down. It feels kind of like The Never Ending Story when Atrau and his horse have to walk through the swamp of despair. You've got to make it out, you've got to look at your challenges and get through it. I promise it will get better. Though I have no reasoning why or experience, I have to say it so that I will believe it.

Take care.