October 23, 2007

Childhood Dreams

Remember when you were little and all you wanted to be was a [fill in da blank].

I actually wanted to play football, basketball, volleyball, and throw the discus. I did most of my highschool years except the football part. But I secretly wanted to be in a roller derby. Not only so I could legally knock the shit out of someone, but because it was being the most rock'n bad ass bitch in the WHOLE WORLD. See, secretly I also wanted to be Debbie Harrie and Joan Jett and Chrissie Hynde and well, Madonna. Come on I was/am a child of the 80's!

Now roller derbying for me has become just that, it allows me to pretend to be all that I can't be in real life.

I haven't started yet, but I think I have found my motivation for dropping at least the first 100 lbs!