March 26, 2007

No you di'n

Yes I did.

I stopped blogging for over a month. I can not even believe that. Who would have thought it. I loved blogging, almost on a daily basis. I am just as amazed - but then again not really. I have been doing some pretty bizare things lately... which I won't go into now, BUT I will say I have lots to talk about.

I went to Kansas City to visit my BFF Trish!!!!! Ahhh! I had the best time! It was great!
She just bought a house and it is so cute! I will be uploading pictures to my flickr account as soon as I download them off my camera.

I also got to go to this cool Craft store,
Urban Arts and Crafts
and met the cutest funniest gal, Courtney!
She was great, she talked to Trish and myself for what seemed like hours! Such a cool place. I have been wanting to go since I saw them on Ali Edwards' blog. If you are ever in Kansas City, GO - You will not be disappointed! I wish I would have brought my camera that day, but alas!

Then we went downtown in horendous traffic and I kept saying that I smelt Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, and Trish kept telling me I was weird and that I just needed to tell my stomach to hold on until we got through the traffic. I know I was hungry, but I kept smelling them. Then we drove right past the
Folgers Coffee Plant.
Why in a million years I mistook coffee for grilled cheese I don't know, but it totally confirmed my love of coffee! PS, I borrowed the photo from this guy, ChrisM70.

Then we navigated our way through the worst traffic and then thought we took a bypass around it when we actually ALMOST ended up right back where we started! Fortunately my BFF who is road savvy found an alternate route and we were at the PLAZA!! Where we ate the most SCRUMPTIOUS Kansas City Bar-B-Que EVER! HERE -> Jack Stack BBQ! It was SO good! And did I mention it was scrumptious! I wish I could have brought some of it home!

So anyways!
I had a blast in Kansas City and next time hope to bring my whole family!


I promise I will write more!