October 11, 2006

It has been a long time, my friend

I thought I would pop by and say hello. I haven't written for a very long time because I haven't had much to report, although I have been a busy beaver.

We are contemplating a big decision. Should I stop working so that I can spend more time on my daughter, or with really. She's struggling again, at school. I don't want her to struggle. I want her to succeed and I think if she doesn't learn to succeed early in life then she won't have a good foundation. She's not a bad student, but she has a focusing issue. I don't think she's at the point where she needs medication. She's only 8, but last year when we had her on a strict routine, she did great. This year she goes to a harder school and is expected to do more. The school is a great school, but it is 20 minutes away from my house and 30 to 45 minutes away from where I work - for both myself and my husband. So our nights are scattered basically and we have no time to do most anything nor does she have time to play. Which I think is the main reason for most of her behaviour. She does really well when she can get a good 1 to 2 hours a day playing outside of school.

So this is something we can figure out, but that is most of my news.
