August 20, 2006

Ever since...

Ever since I was old enough to want to be out on my own, probably about 12, I have envisioned living above a store on a pretty cool street. My husband and I are currently looking for our next home/residence to rent. We may have found one, and it is above a cute store.

So, what is my hesitation?
1. We would be moving to a smaller place and we already live in a smaller place
2. We currently live in a 3 bedroom and would be down grading to a 2 bedroom
3. Obviously no washer/dryer hookups - well possibly haven't been in the place yet
4. Not a lot of kids for my girlie to play with.

But this is the ultimate for me. I dunno why, well I think it has to do with the hub-bub that happens in a 'downtown' that I am always lingering for. All over the streets of London, there are people who live above shoppes. There are really cool historic places in the county I live in that occassionally offer the same thing. I am almost 30. Do I give into my childhood cravings? Or do I become responsible and politely say no thank you to that inner brat of mine.

we shall see dahlings, we shall see